Here it is – we’ve finished the app we’d been working on in our spare time; a melodeon simulator for the iPad and iPhone!
What’s a melodeon? A form of button accordion, which is played in many different styles around the world – see for more (much more) info!
Does the world need a new melodeon app? Of course not! But where would we be without a bit of fun? Our app has quite a few firsts over other button accordion simulators:
- Simulates both ends of the instrument (melody and bass/chords)
- Can automatically transpose and play in any musical key
- Has a sophisticated polyphonic reverb capable sound engine
Particular challenges addressed when working on this project:
- Sophisticated multi-touch key press handling
- Integration with a 3rd party Objective C library (ObjectAL)
- Native iOS 6 integration with Facebook and Twitter
- A dynamically built menu system for the settings screens
You can find the app, and view screenshots and a video demo here:
This project was coded in Xamarin iOS; if you would like to talk to us about building an app for your business whether on iOS or Android, please contact us!